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006 - Maniac Goblin

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Power-Up (0) AttackPts (1) Defense Pts (1)

021 - Giant Mugo

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Power-Up (1) AttackPts (2) Defense Pts (1)

022 - One Eyed Kelso

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Power-Up (1d6) AttackPts (1) Defense Pts (3)

037 - Araconoid

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Power-Up (1) AttackPts (1) Defense Pts (1)

050 - Gulosi

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Power-Up (2) AttackPts (1) Defense Pts (2)

056 - Weed Walkers

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Power-Up (1) AttackPts (1) Defense Pts (1)

062 - The Ghoul

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Power-Up (0) AttackPts (1) Defense Pts (1)

064 - Zefru Mogol

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Power-Up (1) AttackPts (1) Defense Pts (2)

067 - Space Zombie

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Power-Up (1) AttackPts (2) Defense Pts (1)

068 - Winged Canameers

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Power-Up (2) AttackPts (2) Defense Pts (1)

072 - Zombie Lord

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Power-Up (2) AttackPts (3) Defense Pts (1)

077 - Zombie Slave

Product Image

Power-Up (1) AttackPts (1) Defense Pts (1)